
Thursday, August 11, 2011

up to stuff

We're raking it in for the last full week of summer break. I'm trying to figure out why my feet are so sore since I swear I'm hardly leaving the car!

The older two have been in TKD camp all week. It's a day camp and they seem to like going. Camille passed her belt test Saturday and has been working on her new skill level. Joseph finished his final stripe for his white belt yesterday and has been practicing for his belt test this coming Saturday. My only complaint is that they are not MORE tired when they come home! All in all, it's been a great practice for getting up and going for school.

I've only had the little dudes during the day and it's been really quiet around here. Monday we went to WM to get some items for my "Home Managment" book and ran into another mother with a boy named George. We chatted for a bit and exchanged e-mail addresses. When we came home, we made zucchinni bread. I was surprised how helpful Cole was and how expertly Georgie scraped the bowl.

Georgie had speech on Tuesday and he's just busting out the sounds. This past week we heard soda, cookie and something that sounded like, "Let go!" Cole was holding a toy out of George's reached and he was pretty mad! (Sometimes words or sounds don't "show" for kids with apraxia unless they are having extremes in emotion- REALLY happy or REALLY mad.) He tried to say ball for his SLP.

Today we had Gymboree and it was the first time he really interacted with the teacher and worked with the group. He sat on my lap for story time and then went off with the four other kids and the teacher to pretend. The theme is pets and they were pretending to be in a pet store. The teacher howeled and Georgie tried to make a howling noise. He also rolled down the soft ramp and played with the small stuffed dog. At the end of class, he sat with her and got stamps. I was pretty impressed!

At llunch, he showed me what a big boy he was by sitting nicely, eating his lunch and playing. We didn't stay at CFA long (it started to get crowded and he wanted to go) so we started the drive to the horse therapy farm. It was an easy drive and very peaceful in the country. The farm was very nice and clean. They have three horses, a couple dogs and a cat who is in the family way. :) Of course, Georgie wanted to go for the cat and I'm sure they thought I was some germ a phobic neat freak because I kept wiping his hands. He's allergic to cats but I couldn't keep him off the dang thing!

I have never heard Georgie talk that much. When we were watching them lunge the horse, he spotted a dog in the distance. He looked at me, said, "Duhduh!" then "neigh neigh" and finally he scrunched up his face and made his word for "moo" (cow) in a questioning voice. He was clearly saying, "There's a dog, there's a horse. Do they have a cow?" I asked if they had a cow and they don't.

Then the mommy cat came out and he was petting her (eeeekkk!) and trying to fed her. He kept saying "meow meow" and making eating noises. Later that day, when I asked him what he liked the best, he said the same thing (meow meow and eating noises). He was still telling me about the cat while we made pancakes together and the dog (duhduh) that wandered over to be petted.

Georgie was pretty nervous around the horses. He was excited to see them but when I brought him to the horse, he wouldn't touch him. They even showed him the horse from behind a fence and he took a step back. I think he was even shaking. They're alot bigger than on the TV or in a book! He never did pet one but after he saw two kids riding, he walked into the ring to look at the spotted horse. He didn't want to leave (I think he saw the other kids riding and now wanted HIS turn!).

He spoke SO much while we were there and did SO well, we're def. enrolling him!

Cole is being... 16 months. The world will END if his feet touch the ground. He wants Mommy and he wants to be held all.the.time. For three days, his diet was mostly breastmilk and let me tell you, no diaper in the world can hold that much breastmilk poo. He's also getting all of his molars in at the same time. When we were out of the house all day, he did great but if we are home, he has to be in my arms or playing in my lap. Needless to say, this is making getting the house cleaned and organized for the start of the school year HARD. I know this will pass... man I hate teeth!

Next week my aunt and uncle are visiting and will meet the little dudes for the first time. We also have open house and a double header baseball game the night before school begins! Yikes! I hope Joseph can get up on time!

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