
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Playing the Waiting Game

Maybe baby?

No, not me. At all, in any way! My sister is pregnant and WAS due Monday, the fifteenth. Today is not Monday, or the fifteenth nor is their a baby in their arms. (That I know of.) See, while I have a microwave (cooks 'em fast and not always healthy) she has a slow cooker (looong and apparently slow.) She's been in on and off labor for awhile.

I went to Mass this morning and between the full childcare, me having to do childcare at 10:30 and pacing the halls with a toddler who refused to be put down, refused to let me sit down and was trying to crack his head open on the marble floor... there was alot of offering up going on. After Mass, I lit a candle at the St. Gianna Molla statue:

and prayed and hoped for a healthy mom and baby and a smooth and safe delivery.

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