
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Marching for PuddinPie

Georgie has challenged everything we have known about parenting.

From before he was born, there was  MORE. More pain, more problems, more weight gain. When my water broke at 35 weeks, we were thrust into the unknown: PPROM, induction, antibiotics, a NICU transfer team, the NICU.

Georgie was a "late term" preemie. Late term babies are born between 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. Although their situation is generally not as critical as traditional preemies or micro preemies, they still are:

•6 times more likely than full-term infants to die in the first week of life (2.8 per 1,000 vs. 0.5 per 1,000)

•3 times more likely to die in the first year of life (7.9 per 1,000 vs. 2.4 per 1,000)

A child's brain at 35 is not completely developed. Because of this, they face an increased risk of learning and behavior problems. As with all preemies, they also have a greater likely hood of showing autistic symptoms and needing speech, behavior, OT and PT therapies.

(Information here)

Late term preemies ARE a problem. In fact, they as a cohort account for the increase in preterm births. In fact, they account for 70 per cent of premature births. We can no longer say that the delays some LTP have are temporary or benigin. In fact, the scientist in the previous link suggests that LTP would also benefit from follow up care- something I've been saying since Georgie was a baby!

In a month, we will meet up with our friends from the NICU and march for our babies. The March of Dimes is working to prevent preterm birth and help all preemies, even late term preemies like Georgie. And won't help them help babies like my sweet PuddinPie?


    I really think that ALL preemies benefit from "early intervention". It is so sad that late-term preemies have to fight to get the services.

  2. This is a great post. Thank you for sharing all this wonderful information. My middle child was born at 37 weeks and not considered premature, although she was only 5 lbs at birth. My son, my youngest was born at 35 weeks, we were lucky that he was healthy at the time of birth. I feel that these late premies are often overlooked but should not be. With my daughter, there were a lot of issues missed those first few days in the hospital. My son as well. The hospital I delivered at really did not have an great NICU and since the babies were not as early as some, they were not placed in there. March of Dimes is a great way to get the word out. Your little Georgie is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing today!
