
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lent, My Way

This Lent Adam and I agreed that, as a family, we would give up going out to eat. Joseph agreed and Cami went along with it, although she has tried to convince me that the McDonald's drive through it not going out because we would stay in the car! Joseph also gave up buying lunch at school and I stopped eating junk food.

"Junk food" means not only cookies, candies and chips but sugar in my tea and coffee, creamer and most processed foods. I have a new love- Greek yogurt- which I eat alot of now. I don't consider the yogurt I eat junk because it has only the items needed to make yogurt in it and fruit. I don't eat the "treat" yogurts like key lime pie. I stopped having a soda on occasion and am drinking more water. It's been good so far since I've stopped drinking cup after cup of coffee and think before I reach for food. Oh, yeah, I hope to lose some weight too!

(The exceptions to this rule are the THREE birthdays in Lent! I said I will have a piece of cake at those.)

Then Adam issued a CHALLENGE. He wanted to do P90X but alot of my friends said it would probably kill me. I'm not sure they were kidding so we went with the "Easy" version of Beach Body. It is the same man who did the P90X program but for whimps like me. Adam is really going out of his way to work out with me, do the "diet" and make me b'fast in the morning. Of course, he said that I won't be able to do the whole 90 day program. That just makes me want to do it more!

So far, I've been doing well. Sore and not really motivated but I do it. I suppose that is the point of a sacrifice. Ha. I have no set time of day. Most days, I want to get up early and do it. Alot of times, we end up working out at night. Today I did it at noon and didn't get a shower in until 2- ugh.

The junk food thing, though... I did a review for someone that included cookies so I ate them. I joked it was for a good cause but you can't really review food without eating it, right? I had a little of the cake I made Adam but the cake didn't come out well, so no problem there. I suspect as Lent goes on, it will get more challenging.

And with that... I need to go to bed. It's late. Really late.

1 comment:

  1. We did the same thing! Well, not the P90X thing, but we committed to eating every meal at home. We also had some exceptions, such as occasionally ordering pizza or chinese food and bringing it home (cause that totally counts), but we actually didn't even do that yet (with the exception of my husband getting pizza for himself the other night).

    On a side note, I also love Greek yogurt because it has soo much less sugar and crap than other yogurts. I don't buy it much anymore but I do buy plain for my daughter and add honey and vanilla to it :)
