
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nay Nay!

On Monday I took Camille and the little boys to the library for specail story time with my church's mother's group. After reading some Valentine's Day books and having cookies, I changed Georgie and we went to the kids' section. Camille was in the stroller, finishing the cookie and Georgie was running ahead.

All of a sudden, he got super excited and was pointing at something. The kids' section has puzzles and blocks, so I thought he was pointing at them. We hadn't been there in months, so I knew he didn't remember the toys but he super hyper about something. He was pointing, jabblering, squating up and down with excitment and saying, "Nay! Nay!" He was so happy and jabbering so loudly I had NO IDEA what he was saying.

Then I saw it.

And I couldn't miss it.

A giant stuffed horse was sitting on top of the bookshelves. Oh! Nay-nay! A horse says, "Nay!"

"Oh, look, a horse!" I said, hugging the horse. "The horse says Nay!NAY! Right Georgie?" He nodded happily. "Would you like to see the horse?" I went to pick him up but, up close, the horse was a little intimidating. He wouldn't touch it but was happy to stand there, trying to jump up and down, and point at it.

He was so happy during our library trip. He played puzzles and ran up and down the asiles happily. For once, I was totally zen about the noise he was making. It was 11 am on a Monday morning. Who was studying? And who cared? We were in the kids section, the kids were being well behaved and my tot was TALKING!

Every so often, he would run back and point at the horse. "NAY!NAY!" The libarian was amused but I could tell it was getting old for her. It wasn't for us, though. NAY!

When we got home, I realized that a book we have at home, "Farm Friends," has a line in it about a horse: "I canter and gallop and whinny and NEIGH." The horse in the book looks just like the horse in the library. He made a HUGE connection!

Before Monday, taking the kids to the library was a giant pain. They would run around, fight and make a mess. Monday's trip went so well I am actually considering making it a weekly trip. I might actually catch up on my reading and find some fun new cookbooks.

And, yes, I want to hear Georgie talk about the horse, too.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm so happy he's progressing so well! It looks like Cole and Georgie are going to feed off each other in the language department. Hopefully the competition will keep things moving!
