
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, Princess!

The Pretty Pink Princess turns FIVE on Thursday! How has it been five years since I had my baby girl? Wasn't it, like, yesterday she was a little pink bundle of bald goodness?

Goo-goo eyes at her grandparent's house!

She's still little and loves pink (and purple!) but definatly is not a baby anymore! Her life goal, it seems, is to catch up with Joseph. She is dying to go to kindergarten and was heart broken when we told her that even though she is five, she won't start kindy until August.

She is constantly saying, "When I am a grown up, I can...." or "When I get bigger, will I...." The morning of her birthday, she told me she just can't be five and must still be four since she wasn't any bigger that morning!

We celebrated the big 5! by bringing cupcakes with neon pink frosting to her class the day before the big day. (Neither one of us had any idea the frosting would be THAT PINK when we made it!) I came in to read a story to her class. The next day, I made her toast with pink sprinkles and the CGS teachers made a fuss over her. We met up with friends at the mall and they treated her to a ride on a merry go round. She was a doll holding hands with their little boy... although she did point out the VS store to him!

(In our defense, I have some of their clothes and I wear the underwear... she likes the boxes because they are pink! But ACK!)

That night, we had tacos with her grandparents and she got a GIANT stuffed dog to add to our Stuffed Animal Breeding Program, earrings and a gift card to get her AG dolls' ears pierced, hair care items for said doll and assorted small toys. She was thrilled with them all and even loved her slightly deformed choclated cake with more neon icing on it.

(Memo to self: Cake should be made with a mixer, not by hand with a wisk.)

Ah, our big, strong willed, wirl of a girl. We love you!

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